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We are currently creating new pricing patterns for our work. Please contact us if you would like to make a purchase. Thank your for your patience and support. Some original paintings may no longer be available.
St. James - 14"x20", 2016Swingin' Sunshine - 5"x7", 2016Out To Dry - 5"x7", 2016Mystery Man - 5"x7", 2016Cold Fur Storage - 5"x7", 2016Standing Tall - 12"x15" collectively, 2016Smile More - 12"x12", 2014Play More - 12"x12", 2014Think More - 12"x12", 2014Beg More - 12"x12", 2014Blue - 18"x24", 2013Marion - 16"x20", 2013Let Me In - 16"x20", 2013Remnants - 24"x24", 2013Mask Exodus - 16"x20", 201315th Block - 18"x60", 2013Heritage 1 - 8"x10", 2012Heritage 2 - 8"x10", 2012Heritage 3 - 8"x10", 2012Heritage 4 - 8"x10", 2012